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Appendix 3: Strategic Plan Metrics

Goal 1: Research, Innovation, and Creativity: Washington State University will be recognized for embracing risk and bold thinking to serve the needs of its communities through innovative research, scholarship, and creative activities.


  1. Expand research, scholarship, and creative activities that cross disciplines and employ new methodologies to address community needs and twenty-first century global challenges.
  2. Increase WSU’s ability to highlight its achievements and their societal impact.
  3. Maximize the ability to shape research, creative activity, and entrepreneurship in direct partnership with the communities the University serves.
  4. Enhance WSU’s ability to pursue, retain, and reward exceptional talent committed to creativity and bold thinking.
  5. Promote sustainable external partnerships to accelerate innovation and maximize the impact of the University’s discoveries.


  • Licensing agreements
    • Licensing revenue
    • Number of agreements
  • Research and development expenditures per full-time, tenured/tenure track faculty (T/TT)
    • Federal R&D
    • Total R&D
  • Graduate and professional degrees awarded per T/TT
  • Faculty promotions: Associate to Full Professor

Goal 2: Student Experience:  Washington State University students will engage in scholarship, research, and experiential learning activities to prepare future leaders, scholars, and global citizens.


  1. Increase educational affordability geared toward improving the completion and graduation rates of students.
  2. Increase career development resources for all students starting with their first year.
  3. Ensure every WSU student has the opportunity to participate in experiential learning and community engagement (e.g., service learning, internships, undergraduate research, creative discovery, study abroad, and/or leadership).
  4. Enhance the quality of the undergraduate academic experience with an eye toward greater mastery of learning goals along with increased student retention and graduation rates.
  5. Nurture and promote mental, physical, and social wellbeing among students.


  • Affordability Index
    • Percentage of need met for undergrad students awarded any need-based aid
    • Number of degree-seeking undergrads with no financial need who received non-need-based scholarship or grant aid (exclude athletic awards and tuition benefits)
    • Average dollar amount of institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid awarded to degree-seeking undergrads with no financial need
    • Proportion of need-based vs. non-need-based aid (scholarships, institutional aid, tuition and fees
  • Retention Rates
    • Pell
    • First generation
    • Race/ethnicity
    • Sex
  • 6-year graduation rate
    • Pell
    • First generation
    • Race/ethnicity
    • Sex
  • Number of students engaged in experiential learning and community engagement
    • # students involved in undergraduate research
    • # students in study abroad programs
    • # students in service learning
    • # students in internships
  • Number of doctorates awarded
    • # of PhDs
    • # of MDs
    • # of EdDs
    • # of DVMs
    • # of PharmDs
  • Social mobility index
    • Percent Pell
    • 6-year Graduation rate
    • 8-Year Graduation rate
    • Net price
    • # of Pell recipients earning bachelor’s degrees

Goal 3: Outreach, Extension, Service, and Engagement:  Washington State University will be a national leader in advancing quality of life, economic development, sustainability, and equity through meaningful engagement in discovery, education, and service with partners throughout the state, nation, and world.


  1. Improve and implement cohesive, system-wide mechanisms for assessing and communicating the impact and value of outreach, Extension, service, and engagement.
  2. Increase outreach, Extension, service, and engagement activities across all colleges, all campuses, and throughout the state, as an essential element to achieving WSU’s land-grant mission.
  3. Increase and enhance partnerships with under-represented communities.
  4. Increase the impact of outreach, Extension, service, and engagement activities to improve human health.
  5. Increase the alignment of WSU priorities with the needs, challenges, and opportunities in the state of Washington identified via outreach, Extension, service, and engagement activities.
  6. Increase University-wide resource investment in outreach, Extension, service, and engagement activities.


  • Outreach, Extension, service, and engagement activities of campuses, colleges, schools, and units
    • Total # of activities
    • # of activities focused on improving human health outcomes
    • # of participants; learning hours in activities
    • Total # of external partnerships
    • # of external partnerships with under-represented communities
  • Sponsored funding for community-engaged research initiatives with external partners that addresses key quality-of-life indicators (economic growth, health, environment) in the state of Washington
  • Media stories (featuring WSU’s impact on the state, nation, and globally)
    • Number
    • Reach
  • Social Engagement and Service
    • # of students in ROTC programs
    • # of alumni service projects
    • # of WSU colleges that provide matching funds for undergraduate students who receive Segal AmeriCorps Education Award for having completed national service
    • Voting engagement
  • Amount of volunteer time contributed (Extension)

Goal 4: Institutional Effectiveness and Infrastructure: WSU will advance a culture of engagement and collaboration across its multi-campus system that values and invests in resources—physical, financial, human, and intellectual—leveraging these to become the social and economic drivers for the community, the state, and the world.


  1. Budget and planning:
    • Align financial resources with strategic plan goals.
    • Engage in integrated planning of current educational programs and research efforts to maintain and strengthen their quality.
  2. Modernization of infrastructure: Modernize facilities, technology, business practices, and campus environments to be safe, sustainable, and supportive for future areas of growth and leading-edge practices in teaching, learning, and research.
  3. System: Enhance overall internal buy-in for the WSU system and appreciation for all of its assets and components.
  4. Staff recruitment and retention: Increase the hiring and retention of exceptional faculty and staff—who represent diversity in all its forms—to advance research and the educational experience.


  • Percent of faculty/staff diversity
  • Facility condition index (FCI)
  • Reserves
    • University reserves
    • Central reserves
  • Return on investment (from alignment of goals and strategies)
  • Annual giving