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Meet our SPIEC team

Vice President, OneWSU Student Government Council
Vice President of Legislative Affairs, ASWSU Health Sciences

Brandy is a fourth year student in the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the WSU Health Sciences Spokane campus. She is involved in research focused on improving patient access to health services at community pharmacies in Washington.

Last year, while serving as vice president of graduate and professional affairs for ASWSU Health Sciences, Brandy led a successful effort to pass a bill in the state legislature to expand interprofessional education for college students in nursing, medicine, and pharmacy programs. She also worked to help pass a landmark Higher Education Investment Act to increase access  to and the affordability of higher education for Washington students.

Brandy has experienced firsthand the power of WSU’s land-grant educational experience. She is eager to help current and future students have a similar experience.

Away from studies and service activities, Brandy enjoys spending time outdoors with her family and paddling the beautiful lakes and rivers of the Inland Northwest.