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Meet our SPIEC team


Clinical professor, Department of Chemistry
Chair, Faculty Senate

Greg has participated in many department-, college-, and university-level service roles, most recently chairing the Academic Affairs Committee as well as serving as a senator representing College of Arts and Sciences—Life and Physical Sciences.

He also serves as associate chair of the chemistry department, where he helps coordinate undergraduate curriculum development and assessment.

Greg was born in Olympia and raised in Richland, where he attended Columbia Basin College before moving to Bellingham to complete his undergraduate studies at Western Washington University. He became a Coug that same year when he entered graduate school at WSU, focusing his doctoral studies in organic and medicinal chemistry. Upon earning his Ph.D. in 1996, Greg joined the chemistry faculty at WSU, where he has been ever since. 

Greg is married to Matt Hudelson, WSU associate professor of mathematics and statistics. They have two daughters, Fidela Diana and Rose.