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Meet our SPIEC team

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Matt, also a professor of English and data analytics, is a bridge builder committed to an interdisciplinarity vision for the College of Arts and Sciences.

He believes that a university is responsible for educating the whole person and that we succeed by delivering a diverse range of coursework and experiences. His own research draws on expertise in the humanities, the social sciences, and sciences. He uses computers, natural language processing, and machine learning to extract information about cultural trends from large collections of texts.

Matt’s books include Macroanalysis: Digital Methods and Literary History, Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature, and The Bestseller Code: Anatomy of the Block Buster Novel. The algorithms at the heart of his recent research won the University of Nebraska’s Breakthrough Innovation of the Year in 2018.

Outside of work, Matt is a runner, a mountain biker, and a fly-fisherman.