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Meet the SPIEC team

Creation of a new 5-year strategic plan that sets the strategic direction and priorities for the Washington State University system is dependent upon the ongoing input and collaboration of the entire University community.

Members of the Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Council (SPIEC), co-chaired by WSU President Kirk Schulz and Provost Dan Bernardo, are leading the planning process. The SPIEC is guided and counseled by Jean Frankel, a strategic planning consultant, and assisted by a strategic planning support team, to ensure effective and efficient completion and implementation of the plan.

Council members are expected to attend and actively participate in SPIEC meetings, which will occur on a monthly basis, and other SPIEC activities, as appropriate.

Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Council membership



Kirk Schulz, President

Bryan Slinker, Interim Provost and Executive Vice President 


Morgan Atwood, President, Student Government Council and President, ASWSU Global

Lisa Calvert, Vice President for Advancement and CEO, WSU Foundation

Pat Chun, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics

Dave Cillay, Vice President, Academic Outreach and Innovation

Greg Crouch, Chair, Faculty Senate 

Daryll DeWald, Chancellor, WSU Spokane and Vice President, Health Sciences

Mary Jo Gonzales, Vice President, Student Affairs

Sandra Haynes, Chancellor, WSU Tri-Cities

Fran Hermanson, Executive Director of Institutional Research

Christine Hoyt, Chief of Staff, Office of the President

Matt Jockers, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Kristen Johnson, Director, University and Student Affairs, Graduate and Professional Student Association

Chris Keane, Vice President, Research

Colleen Kerr, Vice President, External Affairs and Government Relations

Mel Netzhammer, Chancellor, WSU Vancouver

Craig Parks, Vice Provost for System Innovation and Policy

Stacy Pearson, Vice President, Finance and Administration

Sasi Pillay, Vice President, Information Technology Services

Paul Pitre, Chancellor, WSU Everett

Stephanie Rink, Chair, Administrative Professional Advisory Council

Brandy Seignemartin, Vice President, Student Government Council and Vice President of Legislative Affairs, ASWSU Health Sciences

John Tomkowiak, Founding Dean, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Mike Trevisan, Dean, College of Education

Phil Weiler, Vice President, Marketing and Communications


Jean Frankel, Founder and Principal, Ideas for Action LLC

Christine Hoyt, Chief of Staff, Office of the President

Rebecca Lande, Program Manager, Office of the President

Craig Parks, Vice Provost for System Innovation and Policy

John Sutherland, Director, Presidential Communications