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Project Timeline

9-step planning process and timeline

Current focus: Step 6 of 9: Crafting the plan: concept teams

October—November 2019
  • Concept teams formed
  • Based on input from visioning conference and “What We Know” document and associated research, teams draft goals, objectives, and strategies to be included in the strategic plan


Steps 1-9 in planning process

Step 1: Setting the stage

August—December 2018
  • Analysis of NWCCU accreditation report
  • Development of planning model
  • Presidential kickoff of planning process
  • System-wide listening sessions on current strategic plan

Step 2: Expanding the effort

January—April 2019
  • Analysis of data from initial listening sessions
  • Creation of Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Council (SPIEC) with system-wide representation
  • Strategic dialogue among senior leadership teams: cabinet, deans, campuses, colleges

Step 3: Convening the community: land-grant symposium

May 2019
  • Full day, system-wide dialogue on future of land-grants
  • In-depth exploration of three elements of WSU’s land-grant mission: teaching, research, service

Step 4: Building a knowledge base

June—September 2019
  • Design environmental scanning process
  • Design knowledge repository
  • Evaluate knowledge gaps
  • Engage in quantitative/qualitative research with internal and external stakeholders
  • Survey community online about purpose, values, vision, goals, assumptions
  • Create “What We Know” document

Step 5: Convening the community: visioning conference

October 2019

Community input on:

  • Assumptions about the future
  • SWOT analysis
  • Core purpose and core values
  • Envisioned future (big goal/vivid descriptions
  • Short-term outcome-oriented goals and objectives

Step 6: Crafting the plan: concept teams

October—November 2019
  • Concept teams formed
  • Based on input from visioning conference and “What We Know” document and associated research, teams draft goals, objectives, and strategies to be included in the strategic plan

Step 7: Strategic plan document drafting

December 2019
  • A small team writes the draft of the strategic plan document
  • Content includes purpose, values, and vision and goals, as well as underlying assumptions about the future

Step 8: Stakeholder input on draft strategic plan

January 15-February 15, 2020
  • Open community comment period for draft strategic plan
  • Includes input on draft purpose, values, vision and goals, and underlying assumptions about the future

Step 9: Strategic plan submitted to Board of Regents

March 2020
  • Draft strategic plan created and issued for next stages of input and comment by the Board of Regents