Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Educational Leadership

Move your K-12 leadership skill set from basic to advanced!

The Ph.D. program focuses on developing and applying theoretical and research knowledge and skills in the field of K-12 educational leadership. The program is recommended for students who intend to become professors and/or to conduct empirical research in other professional roles. All Ph.D. students are encouraged to focus their research on problems of practice in K-12 schools.

The program of study for the Ph.D. requires:

  • A total of 72 semester hours.
  • At least 42 semester hours of graded course work.
  • At least 24 semester hours of EdAd 800 for completion.
  • Defense of the doctoral dissertation.
  • In addition to core courses in Educational Administration, a cognate area of at least nine semester hours of graded coursework is required; the cognate may consist of a special emphasis within the College of Education (e.g., educational psychology, cultural studies) or outside the College of Education (e.g., anthropology, political science, economics, public administration).

Ed leadership PhD handbook