About the College of Education

We’re a modern college of ed

Yes, we do prepare teachers. But we’re a whole lot more.

When most folks hear “College of Education”, they immediately think of future teachers learning their craft. And they’d be right: we do do that. We have a rich legacy of it. Whether it’s preparing preservice teachers in elementary or secondary education for any number of disciplines or specialties, we’re a state leader. And if you thought it meant that we also administer the most prestigious K-12 program in Washington, which is our Doctor of Education (“ed doctorate”), you’d also be right. We do that, too!

But K-12 is certainly not all we do. Not even close. As a modern college of education, we prepare students for a variety of fields. Beyond our teacher preparation program, we host undergraduate programs in sport management, as well as kinesiology and athletic training.

Our graduate programs vary, but also include athletic training and sport management, to go with a strong portfolio of programs based in public schools, teaching, and learning.

Academic Departments

We have three departments in the College of Education:

OK, this is all well and good. But what’s it all worth if our faculty, staff, students, and alumni don’t make any difference in the communities in which they serve? In living our college’s mission, vision, and values, we are agents of change.


The dean is the college’s top leader. The college also has associate deans, department chairs, campus academic coordinators, and many other key people who help the college excel.


Academic Locations

The College of Education touches all parts of the state, with a large presence at:

  • WSU Pullman
  • WSU Spokane
  • WSU Tri-Cities
  • WSU Vancouver

Each of these campuses has a number of college programs in which students can matriculate. Those programs, including both undergraduate or graduate, depend on the campus. Each individual program page on our college website will specify where students can enroll and take courses.

The College is also just beginning its time at WSU Everett. While its footprint is currently minimal, its potential is great and we anticipate sharing more about that in the future.

It’s time for a name change*

*or not

For all the reasons cited at the top of this page (we’re a modern college of education!), we are now at a stage where we’re exploring, and potentially moving forward with, a college name change to best identify who we are and what we do.

This project has included faculty polls, focus groups, broad surveys, etc.

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