Graduate Student Financial Resources Frequently Asked Questions

Financial Resources for Graduate Students in the College of Education

Financial Aid


What is the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)?


This form from the federal government allows students to apply for financial aid including loans. This form is available online, making it very easy to complete. Please feel free to use the links from WSU Financial Aid – Applying for Financial Aid page The WSU code for completing the FAFSA is 003800. You must have your tax information completed and ready to complete the FAFSA.
It is a good idea to complete the FAFSA ASAP after the beginning of the calendar year so you get first priority in financial aid and scholarship decisions. If you decide you would like to receive financial aid during the academic year, you can always fill out a FAFSA for the current year. Keep in mind you will have to complete a new FAFSA each calendar year you desire financial aid, but it is easier the second, third, fourth, etc. time around as you receive a PIN and will only have to update the information rather than re-entering all of it again.


What is work-study?


This federal or state program allows you to work part-time on or off campus to earn your expenses. You are awarded work-study as part of your financial aid package. You must first complete a FAFSA to receive financial aid. Work-study is generally more difficult to get at the graduate level, but if you do receive it, you can check online to find work-study positions. Go to and look for Student & Hourly Employment.


What is the maximum amount a graduate student can borrow each year in Stafford Loans?


$18,500. As part of your financial aid package you will be offered a certain amount of loans. Before agreeing to the package, you can request more or less of what is offered. Be aware that if you ask beyond what is offered, it will probably be in unsubsidized loans (i.e., loans that accumulate interest as opposed to subsidized loans that defer interest until repayment). Call Financial Aid to find out more about loans at 509-335-9711 (beware of the awful phone tree) or go to their website at


What is a Short Term Loan (STL) or what is an Emergency Loan?


This is a WSU loan that is available in cases of emergency and must be paid back within the term borrowed. Access the Financial Aid web page to learn more about the STL at There are forms to complete and stipulations regarding receiving this loan. The Office of Student Affairs also offers emergency loans to students in case of food, housing, or medical emergencies. Visit to learn more about this program. In the same vein, the Office of Student Affairs also offers emergency tuition waivers to students unable to pay tuition in a given semester. Visit for more information.


What is March 1?


This is the priority date for filing for financial aid with the university. This early date for filing for financial aid allows you to be considered for university scholarships and to ensure that your financial aid is settled before classes begin. If you file later, you may not receive loan payments by the time classes begin. Filing for financial aid includes completing the FAFSA (see above) and filling out the WSU scholarship form online (see below).



What is the amount of money that the College of Education gives in scholarships each year?


$150,000. The College of Education gives out many scholarships each year to graduate students. Watch the walls for flyers and make sure you’re subscribed to the COE Listserv as announcements are generally made about it there as well.


When are COE scholarship applications due?


Early in February. Forms are available online. Check the COE website for new forms at These usually come out in early winter months.


When are WSU scholarship applications due?


January 31. This form can be completed online at and is usually available in mid-fall. Make sure to complete this form. Very few realize there are scholarships easily available through WSU for graduate students.


How many graduate students received COE scholarships last year?


Over 50. Again, very few graduate students realize how easy it is to receive scholarships from the College of Education. Make sure to complete this application and get it in on time!


What is needed to apply for the COE scholarships?


A resume, two letters of recommendation, and a two-page form. Again, watch for the forms. And visit the web page to download the form and instructions at They are due in the beginning of February each year.


What are professional associations?
These groups often offer specialized dissertation grants, professional development funds, and other resources for graduate students, in addition to hosting national conferences. Your program or disciplinary area will have its own specialized professional associations, but some common and more widely – known associations include the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), the
North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), the American Psychology Association (APA), and the American Educational Studies Association (AESA). Consult with your advisor or program area to find out about the many associations available to you. It is recommend that you join as a student – many of these associations offer discounted membership and registration fees to graduate students and it is a great way to make professional connections across the world.
What is the OGRD?
This university office assists students in finding national grants and scholarship programs. The Office of Grant, Research, and Development (OGRD) assists locating grants, scholarships, and fellowships in addition to their work with Human Subjects and the Institutional Review Board. You can make an appointment to discuss your options by calling 335 – 9661 or by reviewing the website at
What is a travel grant?
This funding is awarded through the GPSA and the Graduate School each year to assist full -time graduate students, paying student fees on the Pullman campus, with travel expenses national conferences. This is a wonderful resource if you are looking to attend a national conference to present your research. Your chances of receiving a grant
are better if you are presenting, so plan ahead. You must be a full – time graduate student (10 credits or more), enrolled & paying student fees from the Pullman campus and have a minimum of 3.0 GPA. The Graduate School is strict about details with this application and late applications are not accepted More information is available at  Please see their website for deadline dates and restrictions.
What is GPSA?
The Graduate and Professional Students Association (GPSA) of WSU is a graduate student organization representing graduate students across campus. Among many other resources and information, the GPSA offers a Registration Grant program to assist in paying the registration fee for professional conferences. Visit their website to learn more
What are TA, RA, and GA (or SA) positions?
These are the three types of assistantships available. Teaching Assistantships (TA), Research Assistantships (RA), and Graduate or Staff Assistantships (GA/SA) are the different types of assistantships available at WSU. TA positions tend to be much more prevalent in the College of Education, as
they are funded through the department, while RA positions are more rare being typically funded through individual grants. GA positions are generally available throughout the university, and are typically in university offices such as Financial Aid, Athletics, and Student Affairs. All assistantship positions are competitive and require you to do quite a bit of searching to secure one – there is no guarantee that you will receive an assistantship. The best way to go about finding assistantships is to begin looking in the late winter and early spring by asking around (other graduate students currently on appointment and faculty usually have good ideas of where to look) and by doing the good old hitting of the pavement.
If you have specific questions regarding a GA or SA position outside of the College, speak to your respective supervisor or finance person.
What are tuition waivers?
These are often awarded to graduate assistants residing in the state of Washington in order to cover the costs of tuition. Many assistantships offer tuition waivers as part of your funding package along with graduate student insurance. However, not all assistantships offer tuition waivers, so make sure to ask when looking. All assistantships, though, offer a monthly stipend, but the amount will vary depending on the position. You must be a resident of the state of Washington to receive a tuition waiver, in most cases, so make sure to declare residency as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Residency is declared by living in the state for at least 12 months, and by Establishing Residency as soon as moving to the state. Visit to learn more about declaring residency.
What is the CTLT?
This university department offers assistance and resources to teaching assistants. The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) offers resource
assistance to TAs on campus. Visit their web site at to learn more about what CTLT offers In addition, the university also offers a course for those interested in teaching at the college level called UNIV590.
What is 90%?
The percentage of full – time WSU graduate students supported by assistantships. Most full – time students are supported by assistantships at
WSU. While an assistantship is not guaranteed to students, it is a good idea to find one. Not only do these positions assist in meeting expenses, provide health
insurance, and offer tuition waivers, but they also give you excellent training for future careers. See above for more information on locating assistantships on campus.
What are the 10th and the 25th?
The dates of payday each month, Payday is on the 10th and 25th of each month, unless a weekend or holiday falls on one of those days. Paychecks are automatically deposited into your account if you have direct deposit (see below) or are mailed to your home. Visit Payroll Services’ web site to learn more about paychecks and pay days at
What are additional funding or special funding circumstances that Financial Aid may cover?
Expecting a baby, medical or dental expenses, purchase of a computer, transportation expenses, and divorce. There are many special funding circumstances that the Office of
Financial Aid may consider. Visit their web site at to learn more and to download the appropriate forms.
What is direct deposit?
Allows you to automatically receive financial aid payments and deposit paychecks. Direct deposit allows you to have paychecks and financial aid checks deposited automatically into your account as well as to have fees such as parking permits deducted from your account each month. Visit Payroll Services to learn more at
Final Jeopardy Questions
What is the Wiley Research Exposition?
This annual competition sponsored by the GPSA allows graduate students to compete for up to $500 in prizes for presentation of their research? Sponsored annually by the Graduate and Professional Students Association (GPSA) and the Graduate School, the Wiley Research Exposition is a chance for graduate students across the campus to feature their research in poster and paper format and to compete for cash prizes. The Expo is usually held in March. Visit their web page to download the proposal form and to
learn more:
What is the Education Graduate Organization?
The Education Graduate Organization (EGO) is a graduate student organization within the College of Education. All graduate students within the college are members of EGO and have an immediate vested interest in the annual pursuits of the organization. The officers are elected annually by the graduate students of the college. The role of EGO is to offer support structures for the graduate students that may not exist elsewhere. As part of the mission of the organization they host the Graduate Research Symposium annually, the New and Returning Student Orientation annually, as well as a series of Brown Bag forums. Representatives for both ELCP and T&L attend departmental meetings representing the interests of the graduate students in that department and the EGO as a whole. EGO is a very influential organization within the COE and is always working hard to bring relevant programming to the graduate students within the college. Visit EGO to learn more at