Program Overview

Read more about our degrees in Language, Literacy and Technology.

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Meet our faculty

Our faculty members will teach you what you need to know. They’re thought-leaders in their field, and won’t hesitate to share their expertise.

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It’s never been an easier time to increase your knowledge, value as an employee, and effectiveness in the field. We’ll help you through the process.

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They Said It…

Masters student Amy Jacobson standing at flip chart teaching in classroom.

“My teaching was transformed by the Masters education I received at WSU.  Through the mentorship and guidance of my WSU professors, I was able to gain an in-depth understanding of powerful literacy skills and techniques with which I could immediately apply in my classroom.  Over the course of my Masters education, I watched my students, even the ones who were averse to reading, grow to be avid readers who read, shared, and discussed books with their friends.  The positive impact on my students was the most valuable thing I took from my Masters, and I couldn’t have done it without the proper guidance.”

— Amy Jacobson

Language, Literacy, and Technology (LLT)