Journal of Mestizo and Indigenous Voices ISSN 2474-8773 (online)


The Journal of Mestizo and Indigenous Voices (ISSN: 2474-8773) serves as the on-line publication outlet of Pacific Northwest Collaborative for Mestizo and Indigenous Research and Engagement which focuses on the generation, transmission, and application of knowledge to serve the needs of Latino/Mestizo and Native/Indigenous communities in the Pacific Northwest.

Our work has implications for communities both nationally and globally. Consistent with WSU’s land-grant mission, the objective of the center is to generate a strong program of research and service/outreach to illuminate the social, economic, educational, and political conditions of Latino/Mestizo and Native/Indigenous communities.

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More on the Journal of Mestizo and Indigenous Voices

Editorial Board

Brian McNeill, Editor

Review Board

  • Stephanie San Miguel Bauman, Associate Professor of Psychology-WSU Tri-Cities
  • Armando Laguardia, Associate Professor of Education
  • Brenda Barrio, Assistant Professor of Special Education
  • Art Blume, Professor of Psychology-Vancouver
  • Anne Marie Guerrettaz, Assistant Professor of Language, Literacy and Technology
  • José García Pabón, Latino Community Studies and Outreach Specialist
  • Michael Holloman, Associate Professor of Art History
  • Paula Groves-Price, Associate Professor of Education
  • Zoe Higheagle Strong, Clinical Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology

Call for Manuscripts

Who May Submit?

Anyone may submit an original research based article to be considered for publication in The Journal of Mestizo and Indigenous Voices provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article.

General Submission Rules

Submitted articles may be summaries of previously published research articles but not printed in its entirety. In addition, by submitting material the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at The Journal of Mestizo and Indigenous Voices. Articles are published on an ongoing basis. If you have concerns about the submission terms for The Journal of Mestizo and Indigenous Voices, please contact the Editors.

Formatting Requirements

1. 1000 to 1500 words.

2. Readable and lacking research jargon.

3. State a specific and practical outcome from the research.

4. Explain the importance of the outcome for Mestizo and Indigenous populations.

5. Research areas include Psychology, Education, Cultural/Ethnic Studies and Healthcare.

6. APA Style.


Review Process

The articles are blind peer reviews that take three weeks. There is no charge.

Journal Access


For online submissions click here

Brian McNeill