Advocate for Education Award Recipients

For community members who have gone above and beyond to improve education and the lives of students.


Through its Advocate for Education Award, the WSU College of Education recognizes individuals or organizations who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and service in public education on the state, regional, or national level. The award is presented each spring at the Scholarship and Excellence Awards.

To nominate an individual or organization for this award, please send a one-page letter of recommendation to Joni Ford. Your letter should include specific examples of the nominee’s contribution to public education policy or practice. The award honoree will be selected with the help of the College of Education’s Advisory Board, which is made up of community leaders and educators.

The nomination deadline is February 1.


2021: Glenys Hill and Gay Selby

2019: Steve Rasmussen

2018: Lloyd Olson

2017: STCU

2016: Gene Sharratt

2015: Jack McKay

2014: Marcie Maxwell

2013: Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff; and Jon Gores, Senior VP

2012: Gary Kipp, director of the Association of Washington School Principals.

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The Center for Educational Effectiveness, founded by Sue Mills and Greg Lobdell.

2009: Mac Bledsoe, founder and president of Parenting with Dignity; and Bob Craves, founder and CEO of College Success Foundation

2008: Charles and Virginia Beresford, founders of the Washington State Teacher of the Year program

2007: Rep. Don Cox, a retired Washington legislator who advocated for strong educational policy