Student Washington Education Association (SWEA)


Club Overview

You’ve surely seen our signs and flyers around campus. You may have wondered what we do. We love our club and are happy to tell you more about us.

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Book Fair

Every year we host a book sale to help raise activity funds. It’s been a huge success thanks to folks like you. Find out how you can help contribute to us and your bookshelf.

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Meet Our Leaders

Our leaders are students who have volunteered to step up and serve their fellow students in order for all to have meaningful experiences.

Meet them

I appreciate SWEA…

“I appreciate SWEA because this club and the people in it have given me the opportunity to grow and learn from other teachers from similar areas and have helped me develop an idea for my own classroom.” —Josie Cervantes

“I appreciate SWEA because I’m in a group with people who have the same goals as me and it is nice to discuss the things we’re going through as we pursue our degree. I am also appreciative of being able to learn more about what to expect when becoming a teacher and hearing other people’s experiences :)” —Adrienne Lujan

“I appreciate SWEA because it gives me a group of future educators who are going through similar experiences I am. I love getting to see the diverse perspectives our group has and getting the chance to take their ideas and experiences to make my teaching skills better in the future.” —Paige Wagner

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