Getting Know You: Sam Christopher

Sam Christopher – Elementary Education

Minors/Endorsements: Special education
Hometown: Camas, Washington
Year: Junior

Why do you want to become a teacher?
I was born 2 pounds 11 ounces and had a high chance of having cerebral palsy. I’ve always felt a connection to kids and adults with special needs and what better way to give back then to teach kids and adults with special needs.

What are you most passionate about when it comes to being a teacher?
I am most passionate about inclusion and free and appropriate education for all. Every kid deserves an education and there is no reason that any of those rights should be violated.

What/who inspired you to become a teacher?
Many things, but to name few kids and adults with special needs, my mom and seeing how she interacts with students, and lastly my high school Spanish teacher who showed me how much of an impact a teacher can have on your life and how it goes far beyond the year you are in their class.

Where do you hope to go after graduation?
I hope to continue working with the ROAR program here at WSU while continuing my education to get my master’s in special education.

What impact do you hope to make on your future students?
A lot of people may have mixed reviews about school and my goal is to change that attitude. I want to create an environment where students are excited to come to school and excited to learn. You don’t know what someone is going through at home, so you have about 6 hours a day to impact their lives in a positive way.

What is your favorite part of this program?
I absolutely love the faculty and professors that genuinely want to help us become the best teachers we can be. I also love my peers because it makes it easy and fun to learn when the people around you carry the same passion.