KINES Practicum

KINES 390 – Fitness Practicum


KINES 390 Practicum in Fitness Facility or Fitness Research V 1 (0-3) to 4 (0-12) May be repeated for credit;    cumulative maximum 8 hours. Course Prerequisite: KINES 262 with a C or better; KINES 264 with a C or better. Supervised practicum or research. S, F grading.


Support students with professional experiences that will help to:

  1. Connect classroom knowledge with hands on experience
  2. Assist student in choosing a professional path
  3. To improve the student knowledge of professional practices within their area of interest
  4. Assist students in beginning to make professional contacts

KINES 390 – Practicum (1 credit required) offered Fall, Spring, Summer


  • Students will research and contact a professional site to seek hours for on-site learning and experience.
  • Required course hours include: (30-40 hours on site / 10-15 hours spent on Canvas Course Assignments (1 credit = 45 hours total) Note: Student may enroll for up to 4 credits if they desire or need more than the minimum 1 required credit. Work with advisor to be sure.
  • Students may find sites that are related to the broad kinesiology field, allied healthcare and their future career interests or exploration.
  • Site placements are dependent on the site staff availability and are highly competitive.
  • The type of learning experience for KINES 390 Practicum may be varied and include: volunteer job shadowing and observing – minimal hands on; project or program help and assisting; or actual work – hands on job tasks. Please note, a student must take on “more” responsibility or leadership opportunities if choosing a site in which they currently work or volunteer. The purpose of this course is to expand one’s resume and overall professional growth.
  • Students will complete course hours in the field and assignments through Canvas or in class participation (class times will be announced).

Site Profile:

Student must complete a practicum site profile for the KINES 390 practicum.  Students will provide a copy to their site supervisor.

Students are required to provide and communicate with their site and instructor the following information:

  • Dates available for placement. (know your schedule when contacting sites)
  • Total amount of hours expected for the volunteer / job experience.  (30-40 contact hours) (10-15 assignment hours)
  • Major/area of interest.  (think of the specific learning goals you want to achieve while on site)
  • Reason for interest in volunteering/shadowing/observing/working. (do you have real interest in this career path or professional setting) Note: Site professionals want to engage students who are eager to learn and care to be present.

Liability Insurance:

Please submit completed Liability Insurance Form Student Allied Health Liability Insurance payment document .  Students should “take a picture” of their completed form and payment during the transaction.  A picture copy of this information must be submitted to Canvas as evidence.  KEEP A COPY for your records!  This is REQUIRED BEFORE you begin completing practicum hours.

Where do students complete their practica?

Practicum Sites