About Alhadeff Future Teachers of Color (AFTOC)

2022 Alhadeff Future Teachers of Color Conference

The 10th annual Alhadeff Future Teachers of Color (AFTOC) conference features the theme of “Why Do We Go On: Reflections Of Educators Committed To Educational Justice” and will take place in a hybrid fashion on March 24, 2022.

This year’s conference welcomes Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings as the virtual keynote speaker. Dr. Ladson-Billings is an educator and professor whose research explores Critical Race Theory and the pedagogical practices of teachers who work successfully with African American students.

The conference is available to students within the College of Education and Teacher Prep Student Support Services, as well as those interested in the field of education.

The conference will be held on Thursday, March 24 from 12-5 pm at the Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center.