Giving Back

A Greater Future.

From You. Through Us. To the World.

Our state has come to expect great things from the College of Education. We’re known as a leader in Education, absolutely. But our alumni are changing the world in a number of fields, including fields in athletic training, kinesiology, and sport management. And the research our faculty are engaged in across a number of disciplines is cutting edge. To be clear: these endeavors are not arbitrary. They’re inspired by a greater vision for the future and guided by our college’s vision and mission.

We may be a powerhouse in all these areas. Our impact may be so much greater than the sum of our parts. Our greatness may have grown to include the lives we reach and enrich, and the sustainable solutions that help transform our state and help our state’s resident. But none of this can happen without you. As we continues to build a healthier, more resilient, more equitable world, we ask you keep being our partner and continue financially assisting these efforts.

Generous gifts by our donors provide scholarships and assistantships, funding for research, funding for student clubs, and a variety of other important programs. Gifts of any size help the college provide our students with an exceptional education and help our faculty pursue research to benefit students and educators around the globe. The best way to invest depends on your life circumstances and personal goals, and every gift counts! Your gifts have power! 

Our Priorities

Please consider a gift to support the College of Education’s priorities below:

WSU ROAR Scholarship Fund

As the only program of its kind in the Pacific Northwest, WSU ROAR has an enormous. positive impact on the lives of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. However, as is true for many of their peers, cost can be a limiting factor, and most (if not all) ROAR students will depend on scholarships to complete the program. This fund supports accessibility for current and future ROAR participants.

Support this fund

College of Education Scholarship Fund

The College of Education Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students of all majors within the College of Education. This fund is used to recruit and retain high-performing students and to help alleviate the financial burdens of pursuing a college education.

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WSU ROAR Programmatic Fund

WSU ROAR aims to provide a fully inclusive college experience for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Two years of person-centered planning and an immersive, on-campus living environment help empower these students to grow as professionals, achieve independence, and be a part of the Cougar family. Gifts to this fund are used to provide educational, professional, and community resources; support participant activities; and address program needs as WSU ROAR continues to grow.

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College of Education Dean’s Fund for Excellence

The Dean’s Excellence Fund is one of the best and broadest ways to support the work of the College of Education. This is the college’s most flexible fund and provides ongoing annual support that allows the dean to meet the immediate and strategic needs of the college. In the past, gifts to this fund have been used for student scholarships as well as support of faculty members and special programs.

Support this fund

Interested in giving to a fund not listed above?

If the fund you are looking for is not listed above, please follow this link to the WSU Foundation’s give page to search for our other College of Education scholarships and development funds. Once you follow the link, click on “Colleges” and then choose “Education,” then in the fund box below, choose the fund you want to support.

Support the College of Education

To say thanks…

From A Donor

From Our Students


Make a difference by supporting our students and faculty reach new heights. Learn more about how to give and where we spend your money.

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Help students worry less about funding and more about learning. Support our students in need by contributing to our scholarship fund.

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Teamwork makes the dream work. But so does generosity. We can’t do what we do without you! Meet some of our good friends who invest in us.

Meet Them


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