The Learning & Performance Research Center

LPRC at Washington State University


The Learning & Performance Research Center is home to an array of educational and psychological research projects. LPRC provides leadership, training, consultation, and state-of-the-art solutions to challenging educational research questions at the university, state, national, and international levels.

What are the LPRC’s primary areas of study?

Our expertise lies in three complementary areas of inquiry: evaluation, cognition, and measurement. This combination allows us to examine human performance through the development of assessments; expand understanding of human cognitive architecture and its implications for effective instruction; evaluate interventions in authentic contexts, and improve psychometric and research methodology. Our focal areas of research include development of expertise in the sciences and engineering, large scale assessment, educational and psychological measurement, and factors that impact students’ success in the educational pipeline.

What opportunities are available for Graduate Students? 

Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows are trained to take an integrated approach to measurement, cognition, and program evaluation that optimizes the value of both basic and applied educational research. With funding support from the center, graduate students have the opportunity to work on real-world, pressing educational problems. To date, through competitive external funding, educational psychology faculty have supported numerous graduate students with research assistantships.

How is the research funded?

Our work is supported through external grants and contracts. Our work is consistently published in scholarly journals and presented at national meetings.


PHONE   (509) 335-8545   •   LOCATION   Cleveland Hall Room 80, Pullman, WA 99164


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