Graduate Programs What are Holds

myWSU Portal Holds

Your admitted, Yea!, and potentially enrolled in courses or are heading to graduation, whatever your current status, you just checked your myWSU Account and it says there is a Hold on your account. Now what do you do?  There are many types of registration or other holds that my occur on your account throughout your graduate career at WSU.  Here are a few of the most common and what to do about them.  You will find them in your myWSU Portal click on your Task List Tile, either under the Applicant landing page before your first term of enrollment or Student Homepage once you have enrolled your first term.

Immunization Hold

This hold is put on by your WSU campus health office. Please contact the appropriate campus health office to discuss options for removing the hold.

Graduate School Admissions Checklist Task(s)

This hold usually has to do with submitting final official transcript(s) and degree certificate(s) to the Office of the Graduate School. Students have a grace period of one term to replace the unofficial transcripts uploaded with their applications, used for evaluation purposes, with an official copy.  Please contact the Graduate School for more information at

Graduate Student Hold – 30 day

This is a standard hold that is applied to all enrolled graduate student myWSU accounts after the 30th day of the start of the term for either the fall or spring semester(s). This is a standard hold to stop a student from making changes to their enrollment after the 30th day of term.  This hold is term specific and will have no bearing on any future or past term. If a student would like to make changes to their enrollment after that term they will need to either Current Term Withdrawal (used for dropping the last enrolled course) or file a Graduate School Petition form (used to only drop one/two courses while still enrolled in at least one course for the term).

International Programs Drop Hold

This is a standard hold that is applied to all enrolled international students myWSU accounts after the 5th or 7th day from the start of term. This is a standard hold to stop a student from changing/dropping below the minimum credit requirements for visa purposes.  Please contact the Office of International Services in International Programs to meet with an advisor.

Financial Aid or Bursar’s Office Holds

Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to discuss financial aid matters and the Bursar’s Office to discuss issues with your student account charges.

Graduation To-Do-List Tasks

Please apply early for graduation so as to generate this task list of graduation items, click on each to see your individual graduation requirements and get them taken care of before the end of term.