Math and Science Ed – Alec Jones

Alec Jones

“I appreciate the flexibility of the program, and I look forward to benefiting from the knowledge and experience of those around me!”

Short Bio

Alec Jones is a part-time doctoral student in the Mathematics and Science Education Ph.D program at WSU. Alec has five years of teaching experience, but he currently works in the private sector. He earned his B.A. in Mathematics, Philosophy, and French Studies at the University of Portland, studied graduate mathematics at the University of Arizona, and subsequently earned his Master in Teaching from Gonzaga University. Among other things, Alec is wants to know more about decisions having to do with what math is studied when and how (e.g. Does a dedicated geometry course “belong” in 10th grade? Why is calculus the terminus of high-school mathematics?).

Alec: “If you’ve made it this far, perhaps you have enough spare time to try the n = 12 case of this puzzle: I would appreciate your help!”