Math and Science Ed – Henriette de Rozario Burns

Henriette de Rozario Burns

“Genius is not enough. It takes courage to change people’s minds.” —Vincent Avanzi


Curriculum Vita

Short Bio

Henriette de Rozario Burns; Candidate for Ph.D. Math/Science Education.

  • Focus of study: How empathy in instruction influences interest and belongingness in non-typical STEM-bound students, with an emphasis on girls in engineering.
  • Professional goal: Guide the community to integrated STEM.
  • Degrees:
    • BS Engineering, Northwestern University
    • MiT/Math endorsement, Washington State University Vancouver
    • MBA, University of Oregon, specializing in Organizational Behavior-Marketing
  • Burns, H., Lesseig, K., & Staus, N. Girls’ Interest in STEM. Paper presented at Frontiers in Education Conference, Erie, PENN: October 2016. [ACCEPTED]. Also conference paper reviewer and session chair.
  • Burns, H., Lesseig, K., & Staus, N. STEM Interest. Interactive poster presentation at National Science Teachers/American Science Teachers Association Conference, Portland, OR: November 2016. [ACCEPTED].
  • Burns, H., Lesseig, K., Staus, N, & Lamb, R. Math as a Moderator for STEM Interest. Poster Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX: April 2017. [SUBMITTED].