International School Leadership Program (ISLP)

Department of Educational Leadership and Sport Management

New cohort being accepted for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 terms.


Application Checklist/Information


  • Fall Priority:  May 1 | Closes July 1
  • Spring Priority: September 1 | Closes October 1

Applications are considered on a space available basis through the closing date above. If necessary, contact your local Campus Coordinator for a possible extension.

01. Know

Here’s a “checklist” of information you’ll need when you apply.

01. WSU Graduate School general application requirements (including application fee).
once in GradCAS search for Washington State University and program name

02. Current resume or vitae.

03. Written statement. Written responses to the prompts below should be 500 – 1,000 words each, double spaced and written in New Times Roman, 12pt font. The heading for each statement should include your name and “Statement 1” or “Statement 2” as appropriate.

  • Statement 1: Briefly introduce yourself and tell us how your professional and educational experiences have prepared you for this educational leadership program (500-1,000 words).
  •  Statement 2: Respond to ONE of the following questions (500-1,000 words):
    1. What are your core educational values and beliefs? How will they support your success in the program?
    2. What are qualities and characteristics that you consider to be hallmarks of exemplary leadership? Discuss how you have embodied or practiced one or more of these in your own educational career.
    3. Discuss your thoughts about how valuing diversity and equity relates to improving learning for each student.

04. Three letters of reference. The three letters of recommendation, submitted through GradCAS

To increase the likelihood of securing a strong letter of recommendation that provides a clear description of your leadership experiences and that speaks of your potential for leadership in key areas, we would like you to have a candid discussion about your professional goals with your principal, district administrator, or supervisor before you begin your application. Similarly, we urge you to let the Human Resources Director for your district know of your intention to begin an administrative credential program.

Three letters are required:

  • At least one from your building principal, or district administrator or immediate supervisor
  • At least one from a teacher, administrator, co-worker, or professor who is familiar with your professional work.
  • The third letter should be from any of the above.

05. Complete Educational History and Transcripts from any colleges/universities:

  • Where any degrees have been granted and/or are expected.
  • That show any graded bachelor’s work and/or graduate-level work (including doctoral) taken after the bachelor’s degree.
  • Unofficial copies may be uploaded with your Graduate School application for application review. If admitted, you will be required to submit official copies to the WSU Graduate School.

Official WSU Transcripts are NOT required for coursework taken at WSU.

07. Individual Letter Agreement Form (Word or PDF)

  • Your Head of School/Superintendent/HR office and mentor must sign the Individual Letter Agreement

08. Copies of all education certificates.

02. Go!


*Once in GradCAS, search for Washington State University, then by program name:

1. Administrator Credential – Domestic Applicant (Pullman)

and if also seeking a master’s degree:

2. Master of Education in Educational Leadership (Pullman)