How to Give

 give back How to give

There are a number of ways you can give to the College of Education, including planned giving, endowments, and matching gifts. Many people are surprised to learn that smart estate planning can take advantage of gift planning strategies with many attractive benefits, such as increased income, reduced taxes, and an opportunity to see their gift at work.


Gift and Estate Planning

By including the College of Education in your estate or financial plans, you will make a lasting difference and provide opportunities to future generations. You can plan a gift to benefit us today or after your lifetime, often with tax benefits for you.


Endowed Gifts

Endowments are a particularly powerful investment in the College of Education’s future because they deliver a dependable, perpetual source of funding. The WSU Foundation Endowment is composed of nearly 2,000 restricted funds established by donors for specific purposes, such as named scholarships or professorships. Endowed funds are unique in that the gift is invested. Each year, a percentage of the endowment’s 36-month rolling average is distributed to benefit the University. The rest is re-invested to ensure growth, maintaining the fund’s spending power far into the future. In this respect, an endowment is intended to be a perpetual gift.


Matching Gifts

Many employers will match their employees’ donations to the College of Education. Some employers will even match the gifts of retired employees, spouses, parents, and even contributions from their board of director members. All matched funds will be designated to the area to which you originally contributed your gift.


Stock and Securities

Gifts of marketable stocks or securities shares that have appreciated can have an immediate impact on a program in the College of Education while creating a favorable income tax deduction for you based on the assets’ current value.


IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are 70½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit the College of Education and receive tax benefits in return. You can give up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to the WSU Foundation without having to pay income taxes on the money.



#CougsGive is a one-day fundraising event dedicated to expanding, sharing, and celebrating the impact of donor support at Washington State University. Generous donors are the foundation of student success, and every April, the Cougar family will come together and give to the scholarships, programs, and experiences that set WSU apart.



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