Associate Deans Reappointed

College of Education reappoints two of its associate deans

March 23, 2017

By C. Brandon Chapman – College of Education Communications Director

Effective July 1, 2017, the College of Education has reappointed two of its associate deans for two more years: Paula Groves Price as associate dean for diversity and international programs, and Amy Roth McDuffie as associate dean for research and external funding.

College dean Mike Trevisan said both individuals have done a “superb” job in their respective roles, and that both are well suited to deal with their roles, including how they related to the Drive to 25 initiative.

He also said both have created a strong connection to their counterparts in other colleges, as well as those in central administration.

“Maintaining these relationships will help the college continue to connect in key ways to the broader university as we navigate institutional challenges over the next two years,” he said.

In making the decision, Trevisan consulted with the college leadership team, appropriate committees who worked extensively with either of the individuals, and data from the 360 administrative assessment.

Amy Roth McDuffie
Paula Groves Price