Getting to Know You: Anna Ryckman

Anna Ryckman— Elementary Education

Minor: Human Development

Hometown: Burien, Washington

Year: Junior

Who inspired you to become a teacher?
I had a lot of fantastic teachers in my elementary years. They made a huge impact on me and I wanted to be a positive influence for my students like my teachers were on me. In some cases, teachers are one of a child’s only role models, so I want to make the most of it for every student I can.

What impact do you hope to make on your future students?
I want the kids that go through my class to begin to love learning and become a well-rounded person in society. I want students to not only get the academics, but to be caring individuals.

What is your favorite part of this program?
My favorite part of this program is the sense of community I get from going through blocks with the same people. Having almost every class together really allows us to bond and make life-long friends.