Getting to Know You: Gavin Barnes

Gavin Barnes giving a thumbs up sign in front of Cleveland Hall.

Gavin Barnes giving a thumbs up in front of Ed Ad.

Gavin Barnes – Elementary Education

Hometown: Ephrata, WA

Year: Senior

Why do you want to become a teacher?
My dad and a lot of teachers pushed me to do communications. I came to WSU as a communication major and I was kind of just going with it. I never realized I could go into teaching. I love kids and figured why not?! My mom is a third-grade teacher and she absolutely loves it. Going into her classroom and watching her teach is one of my favorite things. Working with kids is fun and I want to be a role model for kids.

What made you come to WSU?
I came to WSU because a lot of my family came here as well. My older sister came here and she loved it and said I had to come here. She was kind of the deciding factor.

How are you liking practicum so far?
Awesome so far! I am working with fifth graders and they’re getting to the age where they get a little feisty. I want to work more with second, third, or fourth, so it’s a bit out of my comfort zone.

Why do you want to teach second, third, or fourth?
Because I grew up watching my mom’s class. They’re not afraid to be fun and goofy. I want to be that goofy teacher they look up to. They’re a bunch of goofballs and I love being a kid myself so it’s great.

What impact do you hope to make on your students?
I just want them to come back and have them say how much they loved it and what they got from it. I want to have that feeling when they come back. I want them to be excited to come to class and remember that as time goes on.

Where do you hope to go after graduation?
I want to go back to Ephrata and give people the same experience I had. I don’t want the city. I want to go back to a small school and just be that impact. I’ve always wanted to be a PE teacher and I think that would be a blast.

What is your favorite part of the program?
In the program, you have pretty much every class with the same people. I feel I’ve met a lot of new people and have these relationships I can learn from. We hang out a lot outside of class and it’s