Getting to Know You: Karlee Rayman


Karlee Rayman – Elementary Education

Hometown: Spokane, WA

Year: Junior

Why do you want to become a teacher?
Growing up I always had a passion for learning so in high school I decided to take a course Teaching Academy where I spent the year learning how to make lesson plans, developing classroom management skills, and spent time in a local Kindergarten classroom working individually, in small groups, and I taught a whole group lesson. It was through this experience that I knew teaching is what I wanted to do and I wanted to foster a love for learning for all of my future students.

What are you most passionate about when it comes to being a teacher?
I am most passionate about being that adult figure aside from their family that a student can turn to when they are in need of someone to talk to. Throughout my time in K-12 education, there were many teachers who I knew I could turn to when I needed anything and they would be there to help which helped me through some important times in my life.

What/who inspired you to become a teacher?
The mentor teacher I worked with in the Teaching Academy course inspired me to become a teacher because of how she interacted with the students and how well they responded to her instruction.

What do you hope to achieve in this career?
My biggest goal as a future teacher I hope to achieve is to ensure that all students have equal learning opportunities and have the chance to overcome any challenges that may hinder their educational career.

Where do you hope to go after graduation?
I plan on starting out in the Spokane area for the first few years. I am interested in getting certified to teach in Oregon as well and would like to move and teach there at some point in my life.

What impact do you hope to make on your future students?
The biggest impact I hope to make on my future students is to teach them that it is okay to make mistakes and not understand something. It is an important part of learning and they should not put themselves down because of it. Just because they don’t get it at this particular point in time does not mean they won’t get it later.

What is your favorite part of the program?
The friends I’ve made through the program and the support team that is built within it. I have made friendships that are lifelong friendships.

Do you have any advice for incoming freshmen?
Never doubt yourself and achieve what you want to. It is important to surround yourself with people who will inspire you and support you in achieving your goals in life.