Add-On Endorsement Program

Welcome to WSU’s add-on endorsement program

You can pursue an add-on endorsement as either a graduate or undergraduate/non-degree student. However, the add-on endorsement program is only for those who are already certified teachers. Those interested in becoming a teacher should visit our Teacher Education page.

Available Endorsements        Middle-Level Math Endorsement       Special Education Endorsement

Applying to the WSU add-on endorsement program (you should apply before beginning course work)

If you plan to complete an add-on endorsement as part of a graduate degree submit the following:

If you are planning to complete requirements as a non-degree seeking post-baccalaureate submit the following:


These are the people with whom you will work during the completion of your add-on endorsement.

Pullman, or Global Campus (online)
Staci Bickelhaupt
PO Box 642114
Pullman, WA 99164-2114
(509) 335-8146
Niamh O’Leary
2710 University Dr.
Richland, WA 99352-1671
(509) 372-7394
Jennifer Gallagher
14204 NE Salmon Creek Ave
Vancouver, WA 98686-9600
(360) 546-9075
Carmen Beck
WSU – Education
PO Box 1495
Spokane, WA 99210-1495

**If applying to Vancouver, contact Jennifer Gallagher for additional requirements

Other points of consideration…

Completing endorsement course work at other institutions

You are not required to complete all of your course work at WSU; however 50% of your course work including the methods course work must be completed with us. If you would like to take a course from another institution you must receive WSU’s approval prior to enrolling in the course.


In addition to completing all of the course work outlined by WSU, you must pass the content exam for the endorsement to be added to your certificate. Additionally, Designated World Languages and Bilingual Education require passing score on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) exam.

View more info on content exam

Adding the endorsement to your teacher certificate

After you complete the required course work, you must submit a request to add the endorsement to a valid Washington certificate. Once you have submitted your request your name will be submitted to OSPI through E-Certification and you will receive directions on how to apply to have the endorsement added to your valid Washington certificate. The endorsement will not be added to your Washington certificate until you complete this process.