Vision:  To make Washington State University (WSU) an exemplary university for healthy activity; and classes as a degree requirement.
Mission:  To provide popular and diverse activity classes for all university students and abilities.
Goals:  To promote; wellness, lifelong activity pursuits, social engagement, skill building and attainment, physical activity engagement, invest in further opportunity with community and beyond, and sustainability of healthy communities.  

KIN ACTV Classes

Find classes’  schedules and availability for the Spring 2023.

Find classes’ descriptions: ALL THE CLASSES.




Enrollment rules for the full semester classes

During the first week of classes, students can still enroll themselves into KIN_ACTV classes if classes are not full, and for the enrollment, they don’t need a permission.

For the second week, students need instructor’s permission (enrollment exchange form), which they need to bring in KIN _ACTV office and they will be enrolled.

During the third week of classes, students CAN NOT enroll in the KIN_ACTV classes anymore. That is why we offer some half semester classes.

IMPORTANT: In every case, students CAN NOT participate in the class if they are not officially enrolled.

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Meet Our Team

Our team has experienced instructors who care about safety and knowledge. Go on this website and see who they are.


Instructor Spotlight




KIN ACTV instructor about KIN ACTV program

Going into this teaching position I had never been more nervous, teaching volleyball was something I had never done before. Although, after 2 years I can say it has been one of the most rewarding things I have done at WSU. Getting to teach people about volleyball and share my love of the game has been a really fun experience. I have seen multiple people from my first class 2 years ago continue to play volleyball today and it has been very rewarding to witness others find joy in the sport! Getting to help people get active and find a new activity that they enjoy has been a fantastic experience that I would recommend to anyone considering taking a KIN ACTV teaching position!

Dawson Clark (golf)

“My name is Dawson Clark. I have been part of the Kinesiology Activity program for two semesters working as a golf instructor for beginner and intermediate level golf classes. Throughout my experience, I have grown to be a valuable instructor who uses effective coaching cues to increase the abilities of students. In addition, I have learned to seize more opportunities and turn my responsibilities as an instructor into golf classes that students enjoy.

More recently, I have been given the opportunity to work at Urban Golf Performance, a golf-specific fitness training facility in the Los Angeles area. This opportunity directly aligns with my career interests and supports my efforts in the last two years at Washington State University. The KIN ACTV program has been a major contributor to this opportunity as it has set me aside from other applicants who did not have the same level of practical experience.

I cannot put a large enough emphasis on how the Kin Active program has propelled me toward a top tier movement-based career. The Kin Active program can be extremely valuable for students looking to increase their undergraduate experience while helping students become more confident in their physical capabilities at the same time. Get involved!”

Tyler Casebolt (fencing)

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be an instructor this semester!

This was by far the best job I’ve had and it meant so much to me to be able to share the sport I love with enthusiastic students. This job taught me how to be a confident and effective leader, and how to learn what the group needs, whether it be needing a water break or needing to take a step back and break down a drill that we are doing. I would teach fencing again in a heartbeat.

If I was to do it again, I would go slower on some lessons I taught, and would incorporate more open fencing time. I realized too late in the semester that students need to use the concepts they learn in class even if they don’t know all the basics.

Teaching fencing was an incredibly fun and rewarding experience that taught me a lot as a leader and as a fencer. I have recommended this job to everyone I know that fences because I know they would learn a lot from the experience and would find it rewarding just like I did.

Thank you again for this opportunity!

Interested in joining our team as an instructor?

Instructor Position Announcement 


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