KINES Internship

KINES 485 – Kinesiology Internship


485 Kinesiology Internship V 10-12 Course Prerequisite: Admitted to the major in Kinesiology; completed with a C or better all course work for the Kinesiology major; completion of all UCORE requirements. Supervised practicum in fitness or health agency or business. KINES 485 cannot be taken concurrently with other coursework. Students must comply with all internship policies and procedures. Typically offered Fall, Spring, and Summer. S, F grading.


The objectives of the internship are that the student demonstrate:


  • To assist agencies in the creation of knowledge and to improve the working environment in a capacity that is consistent with the agency.
  • To become familiar with the administration, supervision, and day-to- day operations of the facility and programs in which they are working.
  • To work under supervisory personnel and follow designated guidelines and conditions prescribed.
  • To become more aware of current issues and trends in the field of interest.
  • To network and collaborate with entities who seek to achieve common goals.

Application of learning:

  • To apply academic training to real world settings with hands on projects and tasks.

Evaluation and assessment:

  • Demonstrate ability to apply the kinesiologist skill set
  • To evaluate own strengths and weaknesses within their respective field


Interns are to identify and propose an internship for approval that meets the following requirements.

  1. Each internship application will be evaluated and modified as needed by the internship coordinator in order to meet timelines appropriately. It is REQUIRED that students submit an internship application by the published deadline.
  2. All major and minor coursework MUST BE completed prior to enrolling in the KINES 485 internship. Students cannot enroll in any other courses while taking the internship (fall, spring or summer).  Students must carefully organize their plan of study to culminate with KINES 485 internship.
  3. Internship hours CANNOT be retroactively applied for internship credit.  Internship hours must be culminating for students and completed while enrolled in KINES 485.  Current or past work sites cannot be used for the internship unless evidence of showing a shift to a leadership role or continued growth is documented, e.g., letter of support from supervisor. Students may go ANYWHERE for their internship.  Students are encouraged to explore challenging and new opportunities that relate to their professional development that can be paid or unpaid.
  4. Development of a major product/project by the student in cooperation and agreement with the agency supervisor is expected. A major product/project must be identified with example ideas in the internship application. Example products/projects include: 1) organize, conduct and evaluate a specific program for the agency; 2) design, implement, manage and assess agency website; and 3) develop workout programs/lessons for leading trainings on topics relevant to the agency and industry. All products/projects must be professional in nature with detailed descriptions and reporting for the student’s professional portfolio.

Internship Application

Students must submit their internship application by the identified deadline.

Internship application submission deadlines:

  • Fall semester enrollment = first week of July
  • Spring semester enrollment = first week of November
  • Summer semester enrollment = first week of April
  • Or earlier…

Site Internship Affiliation Agreement:

Agreements are site specific and will be facilitated by the internship coordinator after the Internship Application is approved.

Student Allied Health Liability Insurance:

Students must purchase liability coverage for the KINES 485 Internship field experience or have current coverage already purchased.  A copy must be submitted to the internship coordinator prior to the start of the semester.


Tami Goetz, PhD

Assistant Professor, CT | Internship Coordinator

Kinesiology | Washington State University

Smith Gym 113E | Pullman, WA 99164-1410


Office phone: (509)335-9827 | Fax: (509)335-4594


Where do students complete their internships?

Internship Sites

Current internship postings… (updated when new postings become available)