KINESIOLOGYInternship and Practicum


Internship and practicum experiences allow students to apply their classroom knowledge in real-world situations. At WSU College of Education, the internship is integrated into the coursework to prepare students for the next chapter in their lives.

  • KINES 390 is a 1-credit practicum course
  • KINES 485 is 10-12 credit internship course that students are required to do after the completion of all major-related coursework.

View course information and requirements:

Practicum – KINES 390                               Internship – KINES 485


For more information, refer to the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.


*Students may enroll in KINES 390 and KINES 485 BEFORE confirming a professional site and during open enrollment for classes.  

*KINES 390 required Site Profile information and Liability Waiver will be submitted to the course online assignments page once the semester begins.

*KINES 485 required Internship Application must receive application approval in advance of the semester start date.  Liability Waiver must also be current or completed prior to the start date.


Get credits while studying abroad that could satisfy practicum or internship requirements! See below for more information.


* Study abroad programs are organized through the International Programs Office.

Practicum and Internship Credit through Study Abroad


Find out more about study abroad programs and how to apply at WSU International Programs.

Useful Links:


International Programs Study Abroad

KINES Internship page

KINES Practicum page

Internship Application (Must attend Intern Group Session Semester Prior to Enrolling)


Where can I go?

– Anywhere.

  •  Internationally (plan ahead)
  • Nationally (other universities, nearby states, researched opportunities)
  • State wide (many students return home and target sites)
  • Locally (Pullman has a few great options or surrounding communities)
What are the requirements?
  • Meet all prerequisites for KINES 485
  • Plan ahead and meet with sites/supervisors (seek internship/job)
  • Paid, unpaid, stipend, other
  • Complete application (online survey submission – see deadlines)
  • When approved, complete Affiliation agreement & liability form
What do I do first?
  • Attend a group intern meeting the semester prior (or earlier)
  • Research sites of interest (likely from KINES 390, location, type of experience)
  • Approach sites to inquire about internship/job opportunity (plan ahead)
  • Depending on site and opportunity, think about learning goals/outcomes to achieve
  • Depending on site and opportunity, think about major project/product to complete



How do I find an internship?
  • Past experiences/relationships with professionals/sites
  • Review sites from WSU kinesiology list
  • Google search/online search (explore areas of interest)
  • Use your network
  • Recruited/sites seeking kinesiology students
What’s expected of the site?
  • Mentor intern to meet learning goals and/or employee to meet job expectations
  • Mentor/supervisor will engage student with daily/weekly tasks, or duties
  • Mentor/supervisor provides feedback for improvement and challenges student learning
  • Mentor/supervisor provides formal evaluation (online survey) of student performance
  • Willing to provide letter of recommendation or endorsement for student if deserving