Liability Insurance

School districts require that WSU students carry liability insurance before beginning any field experience.

Proof of liability insurance must be on file prior to beginning a field experience. Send your proof of insurance to

To meet this requirement you have several options:

WSU Student Intern Professional Liability Insurance Policy
National Education Association policy with NEA membership
  • $22.50 per year (September 1 through August 31)
  • Journals
  • Job opportunities/postings
  • Membership rolls over from student status to professional membership
  • Sign up online with credit or debit card
  • Forward the confirmation email or a photo of your liability insurance card, which serves as your proof of coverage, to
Northwest Professional Educators (NWPE) Policy and Membership
  • $25 per year effective for a full calendar year
  • Remains in effect after student teaching and when under contract or as a substitute teacher
  • Journals, classroom resources, legal counsel, preferential ratings on grants and scholarships
  • Sign up online with credit or debit card
  • Forward the confirmation email or a photo of your liability insurance card, which serves as your proof of coverage, to