ROARior of the Week

Celebrating our best and most loyal…

Each week, we honor a ROAR student who works to live the mission and values of the program. As they do that, they not only have a more enriching college experience, they become the program’s best ambassadors.

We call them ROARiors!

Past ROARiors

Evan Henniger

Congratulate Evan, a third-year ROAR student who has been an outstanding leader for all other ROAR students. Evan shared that he is excited to get involved with campus.“I went to the WSU Get Involved Fair and I want to join the Fencing Club and the Center for Civic Engagement. I am also very excited to start swimming again at the swimming club!” Way to get involved with WSU, Evan!

Stephanie Traver

Introducing our new ROARior of the week, Stephanie! Stephanie is a second-year ROAR student who is excited about her recent new internship at Pullman High School. “I love my internship at Pullman High School! I love helping out in the kitchen and making lunch bags”.
Stephanie also shared what she likes about the WSU classes that she is taking saying “I love my Food Science 220 class because we are learning about food groups and food coloring and I also love my Spanish 111 class!”
Great work, Stephanie!

Jessica Gorman

Our new ROAR of the week is Jessica! Jessica is a first-year student who is currently taking Human Development 306 and Fine Art 101. Jessica has been a strong ROAR leader, leading by example by being a strong self-advocate. Excellent job Jessica!

Sam Longfellow

WSU ROAR staff chose Sam Longfellow as the ROARior of the week! She has shown consistent promptness in responding to emails, participation in her ROAR classes, enthusiasm for social events, and self-advocacy. Sam, a first year ROAR student, says “I am taking History 105 and Computer Science 111 and am learning a lot in both classes. I am excited to learn more about coding in my computer science class!” Go Sam!

Vanessa Ankney

Vanessa has been an outstanding ROAR student by helping her peers with assignments in class. She has also been a great role model to other ROAR students by showing up to her classes ready to learn and on time, completing her assignments for her classes, and being attentive in class. She is also a talented artist and has gone out of her way to create awesome logos for WSU ROAR, ASL Club, and Recipe Club.

Lily Holston

Congratulations to our new ROARior of the week, Lily Holston! Lily is a third-year ROAR student who has continuously shown what it means to be a part of ROAR. She has been a great role model for other ROAR students by being a leader, checking in and helping other ROAR students, and asking for help when she needs it. Congratulations Lily! Keep up the good work.

Kayley Bailey

Kayley, a second-year ROAR student has been working hard by submitting her assignments for her ROAR and audit classes early. In her audit classes, she is learning about classroom setup, routines, and relationship building. She is also learning how to write parts of an Individualized education plan! Kayley is also working at the YMCA of the Palous, and working hard towards her goal of becoming a teacher-aid. When she is not working or doing homework, Kayley assists with prospective ROAR student tours.

Joaquin Pace

Joaquin loves to share his passion for animals with others, he works hard in class, and he is also starting at the Palouse Discovery Science Center, where he will be helping with their educational programs. He is also involved in the Raptor Club at WSU. Joaquin’s involvement with WSU and the community is admirable.

Grace Muller

Grace has been an outstanding leader in the ROAR lounge, where she writes the daily class schedule and reminds students of their upcoming classes. In her WSU audit classes, she is working hard by learning about diversity and inclusion in Teaching and Learning 330 and collaborating with Sports Management professor Chris Lebens on an individualized project about sport communication. Grace has also taken the lead in helping with prospective student tours and gives helpful information to prospective students and parents about ROAR living. She has also been participating in ROAR clubs and ROAR classes consistently.


Ezra Czechowski

Throughout the school year, Ezra has been an outstanding role model for other ROAR students. He shows up to class on time, turns in his assignments on time, and also has a positive attitude. Ezra is always eager to learn more! In his audit classes, he is working diligently on note-taking in Criminal Justice and Intro to Broadcast Journalism. Since his Intro to Broadcast Journalism course was short, Ezra took charge of his learning, by choosing to take a forensic psychology course that is offered online to continue his learning. Ezra was also featured in the student spotlight section of the National Coordinating Center September Newsletter with Think College.

Sarah Rowley

She has been working hard in all areas of the ROAR program and has consistently been an advocate for herself and others. She turns in her assignments on time and always asks questions when she needs help. Sarah is also working hard on preparing for her internship by completing the necessary steps to start working. In her audit classes, she has demonstrated her strong professional email skills by emailing her TAs when she has questions. She has also shown that she is reflective about her learning progress and can identify areas where she can improve.

Our new ROAR of the week is Jessica! Jessica is a first-year student who is currently taking Human Development 306 and Fine Art 101. Jessica has been a strong ROAR leader, leading by example by being a strong self-advocate. Excellent job Jessica!