Commercial Seed Lot Evaluations

As a service to Washington potato growers, the Potato Research Group undertakes annual Commercial Seed Lot Evaluations to ensure a high-quality, disease-free industry. Results of annual professional evaluations of commercial potato seed lots are presented on this site as well as at the annual WSU Potato Field Day each June.

Results in PDF format from previous years

For more information about the Commercial Seed Lot planting

South Basin

Tim Waters, 509.545.3511
Mark Pavek, 509.335.6861
Zach Holden, 509.335.3452)

North Basin

Carrie Huffman Wohleb, 509.754.2011
Mark Pavek, 509.335.6861
Zach Holden, 509.335.3452

Other resources

United States Standards for Grades of Seed Potatoes – a USDA reference publication.

Addresses & Travel Directions

WSU Pullman
Dept. of Horticulture
149 Johnson Hall
P.O. Box 646414
Pullman, WA 99164-6414

1471 W. Cox Rd.
Othello, WA 99344