College of Education — Visual Communications

Design, Brand Standards, and Logos… oh my!

Whether it’s a college logo, or college-branded template, in the MarComm world, we call that Visual Communications. This site is here to help you accomplish your design goals.

Why do we have brand standards?

Speaking with one voice: Communicating a compelling brand creates a consistent impression of the University in the minds of our audiences. This helps establish clarity about the University’s core beliefs and helps build WSU’s reputation—which is essential to fulfilling our aspirations to become one of the nation’s leading land-grant research universities.

Importance of standards: WSU’s brand standards address strategies, messaging, and visual design within a highly flexible, but consistent system. Following them in all WSU communications ensures that our brand is expressed powerfully, elevating the University’s position in the hearts and minds of our audiences, ranging from prospective students and alumni to opinion leaders and donors.

More than logos: Our brand is about much more than logos, colors, and typefaces. The WSU brand consists of the feelings, memories, and expectations that come to mind when people hear or read the words “Washington State University.” We want our audiences to associate those words with a mental picture of a dynamic, engaged, and forward-looking organization dedicated to making the world a better place.

If you have any visual communications questions, please consult with the Marketing and Communications team.